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Legend (hrsd/Interceptor_DetailMap)

Treatment Plant Point (0)
Water Crossings / Exposed Int. (1)
Air Vent (2)
Valve - Mainline (3)
Valve - Misc (4)
Manhole (5)
Gravity Chamber (6)
Chamber Chamber
Sluice Gate Sluice Gate
Storage Storage
Other Other
ConnectionPoint (7)
Private Private
City of Chesapeake; City of Gloucester; City of Hampton; City of Newport News; City of Norfolk; City of Poquoson; City of Portsmouth; City of Suffolk; City of Willamsburg; City of Virginia Beach; Government; Isle of Wight County; James City Service Authority; Town of Smithfield; York County City of Chesapeake; City of Gloucester; City of Hampton; City of Newport News; City of Norfolk; City of Poquoson; City of Portsmouth; City of Suffolk; City of Willamsburg; City of Virginia Beach; Government; Isle of Wight County; James City Service Authority; Town of Smithfield; York County
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
OutFall (8)
Pump (9)
Wet Well (10)
Pump Station Point (11)
Pump Station Pump Station
Pressure Reducing Station Pressure Reducing Station
PS (Proposed) PS (Proposed)
PRS (Proposed) PRS (Proposed)
PS (Under Construction) PS (Under Construction)
PRS (Under Construction) PRS (Under Construction)
PRS Inactive PRS Inactive
PS Inactive PS Inactive
LeakDetector (12)
Vault (13)
Vault Vault
Conflict MH Conflict MH
Air Valve Air Valve
CP Test Station (14)
Tide Gate (15)
Fitting (16)
ConnectionLocation (17)
Locator Box (18)
PCV Chamber (19)
Pump Station Polygon (20)
Treatment Plant Polygon (21)
VirtualLine (22)
Centerline (Interceptor) (23)
ForceInterceptor ForceInterceptor
GravityInterceptor GravityInterceptor
Siphon Siphon
Interceptor (24)
ForceInterceptor ForceInterceptor
GravityInterceptor GravityInterceptor
Siphon Siphon
Abandoned - Interceptor (25)
Merged Int. Segments (26)
Locator Box (27)