Treatment Plant Point (0)
Water Crossings / Exposed Int. (1)
Air Vent (2)
Valve - Mainline (3)
Valve - Misc (4)
Manhole (5)
Gravity Chamber (6)
| Chamber |
| Sluice Gate |
| Storage |
| Other |
ConnectionPoint (7)
| HRSD |
| Private |
| City of Chesapeake; City of Gloucester; City of Hampton; City of Newport News; City of Norfolk; City of Poquoson; City of Portsmouth; City of Suffolk; City of Willamsburg; City of Virginia Beach; Government; Isle of Wight County; James City Service Authority; Town of Smithfield; York County |
| Unknown |
| <all other values> |
OutFall (8)
Pump (9)
Wet Well (10)
Pump Station Point (11)
| Pump Station |
| Pressure Reducing Station |
| PS (Proposed) |
| PRS (Proposed) |
| PS (Under Construction) |
| PRS (Under Construction) |
| PRS Inactive |
| PS Inactive |
LeakDetector (12)
Vault (13)
| PCV |
| Vault |
| MMP |
| Conflict MH |
| Air Valve |
CP Test Station (14)
Tide Gate (15)
Fitting (16)
ConnectionLocation (17)
Locator Box (18)
PCV Chamber (19)
Pump Station Polygon (20)
Treatment Plant Polygon (21)
VirtualLine (22)
Centerline (Interceptor) (23)
| ForceInterceptor |
| GravityInterceptor |
| Siphon |
Interceptor (24)
| ForceInterceptor |
| GravityInterceptor |
| Siphon |
Abandoned - Interceptor (25)
Merged Int. Segments (26)
Locator Box (27)